December 1, 2008

Joined Etsy!

I found this wonderful new site: Etsy. Many people in the US have already known it for years, but in the Netherlands it has just been discovered. It a true Nirvana for people like me, it is full of handmade goodies! If your not an online shopaholique, you will be as soon as you browse Etsy. So I've decided to join the Etsy family and become an 'Etsian', I'm very excited, I think it will be a wonderful new way to bring my designs to the world! So very soon you can also get your Drops of Light goodies online from Etsy. I am still in the process of setting up my little shop: Drops of Light (what else..=), and hopefully be ready early next year. More to come!

Just a few snapshots of all the gorgeous goodies you can find on Etsy!

credits: TortillaGirl, Morelle, Tigerburningbright, Birthdesigns, Lurearts,